For the fifth year in a row, I invite you to Kiss My Asana!
The Kiss My Asana Yogathon is an opportunity for me to reflect on why and how I teach movement while raising money for Mind Body Solutions, a Minnesota based institute that is successfully helping people to transform trauma, loss and disability into hope and potential by awakening the connection between mind and body.
As many of you know, I moved to Maui because of my own health issues having to do with chemical sensitivities. I’ve now been here a number of months and the fresh ocean air, along with more outdoor living is helping me tremendously. I am thrilled and grateful to be feeling better. While here, I’ve also had the opportunity to meet many yoga enthusiasts and learn about Native Hawaiian culture and traditions.
As a means to encourage you to “Kiss My Asana,” I’d like to share with you about the Hawaiian concept of mana; Mana takes many words to explain but only a moment to feel. It is the sensation of life. It is the power of being that is our birthright to experience. Every aspect of existence has mana: Humans, animals, water, plants, rocks and soil. For living beings this manifests as the mana that we are born with–that which we receive from our ancestors–and the mana that we accrue through how we live our lives. The mana of places and objects comes from the story of their creation and by how living creatures interact with them.
How does this relate to Mind Body Solution? MBS provides a channel for each and every person—no matter who they are or what challenges they face—to tap into and increase their mana. At the same time, the mana of MBS as an organization is profound and strong. The moment one walks into the home studio, the feeling is palpable.The knowledge and dedication of the staff and volunteers is phenomenal. For many years now, I have had the honor of teaching and studying at MBS. It is a place where I always feel welcome and is if I’ve come home.
While I am currently an ocean away from many of my students, and far away from Minnesota, I am grateful proud to be able share what I have learned at MBS with me wherever I go.
For the Kiss My Asana Yogathon of 2018, I am dedicating my yoga practice for the next month to keeping all my senses open so that I can take the time to consciously feel the mana in my surroundings. I invite you to participate and support me in this endeavor by practicing yoga and making a donation to MBS. You can donate here through the end of May 2018 or to me directly.
Mahalo and Thank You!